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           ONE on ONE TRAINING

Train you in your home, office, in the gym,

or even outdoors.  Using Kettlebells, TRX,

boxing, flexibility, strength training, cardio.


1-hour session Single session - $125



Small group circuit training will allow you to workout and have fun with others. Get your group 

of friends, coworkers or family members together and work on strength, mobility, and 




A club specially designed for women to play, move, and be strong! Increase strength, gain confidence, and experience sisterhood and love. Every lady comes to club with different goals. You are free to work on any form of fitness or skill that you feel up to that day. Best of all - you have me to help you program and improve on your goals!

My goal : Perfect your push-up and conquer the pull up! 

Your goal: Train with purpose and commitment to yourself and your fellow lady lifters.

            MIXED: IN-PERSON and ONLINE


Meet with me once or twice a month and get a program designed by me to do on your own. You’ll have the program, exercise descriptions and videos to help you throughout your sessions. Do it on your own time and save on cost!

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